Julie Elder of Totally Holistic Health

Six Week Mindfulness Course

There are many benefits to being mindful – or practicing mindfulness.  Particularly at this time when life can be particularly stressful, learning to be more mindful can help alleviate anxiety.  Stress, depression, exhaustion and irritability all decrease with regular sessions of meditation.

I created this course as Mindful meditation was always something that I wanted to do but never found the tools that would keep me on track, motivated and achieve my goal.  This is why aside from the actual meditations I help you uncover the science behind the techniques.

So what do you learn?!

This exciting 6 Week Online course consists of Mindfulness and Meditation practices and is designed for beginners and those who have already begun a Mindfulness practice but would like a more structured training.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is suitable for those who would like to increase their well-being and happiness, reduce stress, worry, anxiety and learn better ways of thinking.

Overview of Course Content

 What is Mindfulness?

Applied Mindfulness – How to integrate Mindfulness practice into everyday life.

Research evidence of the benefits of Mindfulness.

Why we have an Autopilot – when it helps and when it hinders.

Recognising the importance of regularly expressing gratitude and maintaining a positive focus.

Automatic Mindfulness through Flow – The Psychology of Happiness.

How to take charge of your thinking on a moment-by-moment basis.

Daily Formal and Informal Mindfulness practices to deepen your mindfulness experience.

How our Minds actually work – necessary knowledge for sustained happiness and well-being in life.

Making Happiness a Habit – a look at positive psychology

How to help free the mind from past negative experiences

How to establish and maintain your Mindfulness practice.

Weekly Mindful meditation practices to help you develop your practice

This is such a brilliant (Mindfulness) course. I think Julie includes just the right amount of science behind mindfulness. It makes so much more sense when you understand what is happening. I would really recommend it especially at the moment as I am sure you will gain the tools to help you through this period and beyond.


Benefits of being mindful:

  • Anxiety, stress, depression, exhaustion and irritability all decrease with regular sessions of meditation.
  • Memory improves, reaction times become faster and mental and physical stamina
  • Regular meditators are happier and more contented, and are far less likely to suffer from psychological distress!
  • Mindfulness can dramatically reduce pain and the emotional reaction to it. Recent trials suggest that average pain ‘unpleasantness’ levels can be reduced by 57 per cent while accomplished meditators report reductions of up to 93 per cent
  • Mindfulness improves mood and quality of life in chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and lower-back pain, IBS, and in challenging medical illnesses, including multiple sclerosis and cancer
  • Mindfulness improves working memory, creativity, attention span and reaction speeds. It also enhances mental and physical stamina and resilience
  • Meditation improves emotional intelligence
  • Mindfulness is at least as good as medication or counselling for the treatment of clinical-level depression.
  • Mindfulness reduces addictive and self-destructive behaviour. These include the abuse of illegal and prescription drugs and excessive alcohol intake.
  • Meditation enhances brain function. It increases grey matter in areas associated with self- awareness, empathy, self-control and attention
  • It soothes the parts of the brain that produce stress hormones and builds those areas that lift mood and promote learning
  • It even reduces some of the thinning of certain areas of the brain that naturally occurs with ageing
  • Meditation improves the immune system. Regular meditators are admitted to hospital far less often for cancer, heart disease and numerous infectious diseases
  • Mindfulness may reduce ageing at the cellular level by promoting chromosomal health and resilience.
  • Meditation and mindfulness improve control of blood sugar in type II diabetes
  • Meditation improves heart and circulation by reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of hypertension.
  • Mindfulness reduces the risks of developing and dying from cardiovascular disease and lowers its severity should it arise.


So – if you would like to learn how to be more mindful in your life this is the perfect time.


My name is Julie Elder.  I am an holistic therapist and yoga teacher with over 15 years experience of utilising the body’s ability to heal itself and I would love to help YOU!

“I am so pleased to have tried this course, it is everything I needed to know about mindfulness, meditation and more. The peaceful meditations help bring calm to a Covid -ridden atmosphere. It allows you to make time for yourself and take a moment just to ‘be’. Now that we are going into lockdown again this is just what everybody needs to calm anxiety. Julie’s soothing voice washes away the daily difficulties we are all facing, whether you are a key worker with an extra workload or on furlough worrying about future employment or you are self employed with financial worries, this will help you relax. I highly recommend this course.”