Blogs – all written by Julie
Advantages of a multi disciplined approach to your health
So what are the benefits of having a multi-disciplined approach to your holistic healthcare?? From my perspective as a practitioner it acts as a bit of a one stop shop. By being able to provide a variety of treatments – my toolkit if you want – I am able to bring out...
Achieving Your Goals: Strategies for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
As the New Year approaches, many of us (myself included) set resolutions, vowing to make positive changes in our lives. However, as the weeks pass, these intentions often fade away. So how can you ensure that this year, your resolutions become a lasting reality? ...
“Unwrapping Peace: Strategies for Stress Reduction During the Christmas Season”
I always find myself writing blogs like this at this time of year!! The festive season— lots of Christmas carols humming in the air, streets sprinkled with twinkling lights, and the warmth of family gatherings - right?? Not always! Amongst all the joyous melodies and...
8 Reasons to Add Cold Water Therapy to Your Wellbeing Toolbox
A LOT has been written about Cold Water Therapy. So what IS all the fuss about?? I'm sure you will have heard of Wim Hof the Dutch super athlete who is famed for his Cold Water records. It was my introduction to his techniques that made me explore the...
The Importance of Breathing!
Breathing – natural, essential for staying alive so why write a blog about something as simple as taking a breath in and a breath out? Breathwork – and learning different breathing techniques can be a powerful way of controlling stress, energising your body, calming...
How 10 Days of Meditation Can Change Your Life!
5 Top wellbeing Benefits of Meditation include:
Helps to regulate anxiety
Keeps you young!
Can help you regulate addictions
Lowers Blood Pressure
Helps with Mood Disorders
Holistic Ways to Help Yourself – the Power of Hypnotherapy and CBT
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy gives you the power to change your life!
Coping with Chronic Pain
Are you feeling trapped by pain? Please feel free to use my downloadable leaflet offering help and coping strategies for coping with chronic pain.
Spring Clean your Mind, Body and Home!!
Spring clean your mind, body and soul – and your home! Learn techniques to help detox yourself and your home ready for the year ahead.
Choosing a Yoga Teacher
I’d just like to share my thoughts on choosing a yoga teacher. There are so many types of yoga so choosing the type can be a stress in itself. Some options such as Ashtanga or Vinyasa tends to be stronger and faster. Hatha yoga tends to be slower although you can...
My Immune Boosting Top Tips
What a massive impact this year has had on our immune systems! So as we continue into winter and with Covid-19 still amongst us what can we do to help maintain our body’s ability to stay healthy?? Your first line of defence is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Every...
Have YOU Started Running in Lockdown??
I have been using my time in lockdown to start running again. I used to run alot when I was younger - well until I had children. Overeating and stress over the last three months has led to my little lockdown belly which I am determined to get rid of.I am following...
Are You Breathing Properly??
Breathing - a simple but under utilised resource?? How do you know if you are breathing properly?? Most people breathe to live - obviously but there is more to the breath than meets the eye!! Learning to breathe 'properly' is something that some of us have to...
How to Stay Healthy during Covid-19
So how DO you stay healthy in the time of Covid-19? During this time of Covid-19 and lockdown it becomes harder and harder to maintain your sanity. Your stress levels are fluctuating between "I'm actually doing OK " to "OMG when will this end" - or worse!! So what...
Are you eating for your Immune System at the time of Coronavirus?
In these strange times I'm not sure if it's just me but time seems to be slowing down! When all this started I was determined that I would use my time wisely, study, read, exercise every day, eat well!! Much like everyone else I guess. However as the weeks go by it...